RK Document types
To edit the document types, open the RK document type plan in Travel expenses administration.
The overview opens with the information supplied with the Comsol Travel Expense Module. You can use this overview can be extended or shortened at will and according to your requirements.
It is also possible to define any type of display. To each Travel receipt can include an account assignment for financial accounting will be. So it makes sense to use RK-Belegarten with different VAT rates to be defined separately (e.g. taxi costs at 7% and 19%).
For each document type, records can be stored for
for the payment
the statutory exemption and
for further charging e.g. within projects.
The records must be stored in client currency!
Travel costs are travel expenses, additional expenses for meals, Accommodation and travel expenses. Besides these actual Travel expenses can also be included in the statement of account for all other expenses such as catering, procurement of work equipment, customer gifts etc. are recorded will be. A distinction is to be made between costs to be recognised as flat rates (kilometre flat rate, meals allowance) and expenses according to supporting documents.
For the flat rates, we recommend the following in the fields Unchangeable and Taxable relevant to set a check mark in each case. This means that ensures that material remuneration values are calculated correctly.
For each RK document type, date-dependent and/or expense group-dependent and/or country-specific rates can be stored. These proposed receipt types can be deleted, supplemented or changed.
Register General
Register Setup
In the tab Setup you can then select the following for the selected booking type the general NAVISION conventions Business and product booking groups can be created, cost centres and cost objects and project numbers can be assigned. These are then transferred to the accounting taken over.
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Register Texes
In the 4th register Tax, taxable portions of the document type or, in principle, the handling of the document type in the context of wages and salaries will be.
Register Amounts
In the Amounts tab, if no rates exist, the Default amounts can be entered. However, this makes little sense for the meals per diem, as different lump sums are paid here for different lengths of mission, and there are different rates depending on the country.
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Examples of use for the follow-up document type
By skilfully entering a follow-on document type, a series of connected inputs conveniently. This has the consequence that when travel expenses are entered this document type is always generated additionally. For example, the document type Hotel overnight stay with breakfast follow the document type shortening breakfast for hotel accommodation. In this case it is ensured that the reduction is made automatically via the follow-on document type.
However, the follow-on document type can also be used to define other relationships represent.
In the case of hospitality, the law requires that in the case of hospitality from the flat-rate limitation of the deduction of operating expenses to 70% for business reasons. In the case of business events, the costs can be deducted in full.
For business events, one type of voucher (as the first type of voucher) can be where the deductible costs are defined. A different document type for the non-deductible part is called Follow-on document type defined. In the field Calculation of follow-on document, the following is defined is set, a check mark is placed in the division field and the key 70 is set. This has the consequence that if, for example, 100 EUR, 70 EUR for the original voucher and 30 EUR for the subsequent voucher be booked. The posting is then carried out via the data entered in the document types stored properties. Thus the complete sum can be compared with the first document type, the conversion and creation of the second Document type is automatic.
Using this follow-on document type, it is also possible to pay overpaid to post per diems for meals to a separate G/L account. You create a document type per diem for meals, where, for example, the double flat rate is paid. This document type is set up so that the Document type rates Amount set at 200.00, the tax-free amount at 100.00 and the corresponding hourly rates must be entered. This document type is to be set as taxable, the 100% rule indicator should set (to recognise that it is a flat-rate tax), enter the G/L accounts and posting groups and, if necessary, the wage types.
Another example for the use of the follow-on document type: It should be entered in the Travel expenses by indicating the number of passengers automatically the increased flat rate for passengers can be pulled.
To do this, they enter the following document type in the car flat rate passenger car flat rate and set the field Calculation of subsequent document type to passenger. When calculating the kilometres, a passenger flat rate is now automatically calculated based on the entered passenger is calculated. The number of passengers can be calculated in the travel expenses can be recorded.
Another possibility to use the follow-on document type is if For example, you pay travel costs by train, but the employee driving a car. Here you then set Calculation of follow-on document type to tax base.
This means that the follow-on document type for tax calculation in the case of the flat-rate travel allowance, on the basis of the kilometres travelled, the tax costs in the statement the employee as a tax-free allowance and the employee which can still be submitted to the tax office.
RK- Set up and adjust flat rates
In the section Country Table/Catering Per Diems will be read in described how to integrate the annually published country table into the Comsol travel expenses module is read in.
If there are now several different conditions should be defined, e.g. because there are time-dependent lump sums, because at different times different rates apply or because there are additional country-specific flat rates, then these conditions are shown in the table RK sets up.
The flat rates can be set up per document type via the RK document type plan in Register Navigate can be called up via the button Records.
In addition to the differentiation by country, it is also possible to differentiate by expense group can be distinguished. A separate expense rate can be broken down by country and expense group should be established. This ensures, for example, that the Different lump sums paid to companies depending on the group of expenses can be achieved.
In the event of a change in expense rates in the future, this can also be created in advance with date. The validity date is also checked when determining the expense records.
Individual expense groups can also be created with the valid default values can be imported via the procedure described in the section Country Table/Catering Flat Rate.
The corresponding country is stored with an abbreviation in the Trip country field.
In Valid from the time is entered from which this rate becomes valid.
In the Field Amount specification disbursement the flat rate value, which is to be Payout comes, put down.
In the case of time-dependent flat rates, 100 (%) should be entered here, as this amount is then offset against the daytime-dependent value.
In the Field Tax-free amount it is stored how much of the amount is tax-free. In our case the entire lump sum is tax-free, therefore the value of the amount of the payment must be shown here. Should the lump sum is not tax-free, then the value 0 would have to be entered will be.
In the field Weiterr. Amount is the amount to be transferred to the customer or the project to be offset.
With the field city you can enter a maximum amount for e.g. hotel costs in large cities can be deposited differently from other cities.
For time-dependent document types, the individual stages can be defined with corresponding lump sum values. For this purpose, you can define your own steps can be stored.
You can access the levels as follows: Select the flat rate, which you want to define via steps and click on the button levels on the Actions tab.
In the column Level the numbering of the hours is predefined and should be in the correct order. In the column Hours you have to enter from which time unit (hours) the catering level becomes effective. In the field rate the hourly rate must be entered. In the column surcharge you can a fixed surcharge is defined which, in addition to the flat rate is paid out.
If, for example, you should already have paid the flat rate of 12 EUR If you want to pay out a surcharge, please indicate this amount in the first step. Due to the setting regarding the cap limits, the system now automatically recognises that the amount set here is not taxed at a flat rate may be used.
In the document type, this method is controlled via the 100% rule field, which may only be switched on in the case of catering packages.
Wage types can also be used here to define the different wage types which are then evaluated during transfer to the payroll programme will be.
If less than the tax-free amount is paid out, the the same calculation mechanism should be used to calculate the unused document tax allowances to the tax office.
The Description field enables you to enter a corresponding text, which is then copied into the statement. Especially with complex rules can also be used to indicate which lump sum is the basis for is the calculation.
In addition to the time-dependent lump sums, lump sums can also be criteria can be stored.
To make these settings, please display the corresponding column in the step table:
These other criteria are:
Flat rates can be varied depending on the distance. The Distance is shown in terms of the distance kilometres of the journey. Should this distance-dependent flat rate be calculated correctly, the journey must also include the kilometres travelled, including when travelling by public transport. This setting can be used, for example, for releases that are partly distance dependent. It can also be shown here in the case of insert change activity, that payment is only possible after 30 km.
Travel cost voucher type:
Different flat rates can also be charged for different types of vouchers be paid out. For example, if you pay a higher flat rate for motorists than for users of the public If you plan to use local transport, you can work with different flat rates. This is for example also necessary in the case of collective agreements, which are partly dependent on the choice of transport mode.
Days of travel:
Using the input options "undefined, one-day, several days", it is also possible to work with different flat rates depending on the choice of the means of transport will be.
Regular working time:
Depending on the working hours stored with the employee can be used here for travel times outside regular working hours If they are located in the same area, correspondingly modified flat rates must be deposited. Optionally, it can also be checked whether the day of travel is a regular working day or a public holiday or non-working day. In order to be able to check this, it is necessary to check by calendar. The basic calendar can be set as a default in the institution or directly with the employee. Alternatively, it is possible to integrate the work and Public holiday calendars from the wage/salary area are possible.
Departure time:
Depending on the departure time, a corresponding Deposit flat rate.
Day of the trip:
Here you can leave the options undefined, First day, Middle day, Select last day. Depending on the days of travel, you can select the following, for example, for a trip lasting several days determine special conditions. Please note for all flat rates that the statutory lump sums are offset and, in the case of the meals lump sums, these are time-dependent.