First steps
The steps necessary for the installation and initial setup of the Travel Expenses module are explained below.
Object package
You can view the current objects for the Comsol travel expenses module at any time from our FTP server. Please contact us, if you do not yet have access to our FTP server
Authorisation rates in the travel expenses module
The object package for the travel expenses module also contains the authorisation records RK-Erfasse and RK-Einrichtung. RK-Erfasse should be given to all employees who actively enter trips in the travel expenses module. RK setup is given to employees who are responsible for the setup of the module and, if necessary, financial accounting and accounting staff to be able to create RK staff members and to be able to edit the voucher type plan. Further authorisations are discussed and activated in the course of the set-up workshop.
Integration of tiles into the role centre
Tiles and a separate role centre are available for the travel expenses module. To integrate the tiles, a separate extension must be built.
Create setup data
In order to give you the most comfortable start in working with the Comsol travel expenses module, we have developed a standard which only extends at a few points, or must be modified.
Installation of a test system
To set up a test system, you will need to go through the following steps, and once you have scanned the catering flat rates, you can use the system directly. Please use the Business Central search function (1); search for the entry Create facility data (2) and select the item Travel expenses Create facility data (3).
A query window opens, in which you can enter
A: When setting up a test system in the field Setup data create, select the demo data option and tick the box be able to have the Cronus financial accounts plan set
B: When recording into a real system, the option Select User-defined and then tick the box Remove Cronus fibu account plan.
Confirm your selection by clicking on OK.
The installation of the system will be confirmed after a short time:
Country table / Read in catering flat rates
In the following step you will read the current catering flat rate per land. If necessary, you can enter your individual surcharges or discounts take over. As soon as the Federal Ministry of Finance has approved the new the following year are published, provide the we will send you an excel sheet for download on our FTP server for disposal. You will be informed about it by mail.
Before importing the file into your database, please place it on your file server. However, do not change the name of the file . arbitrarily!
Please use the Business Central search function and search for RK flat rates.
A query opens in which you search for and insert the previously stored Excel file in the Import file field.
With the link to the Excel file, the fields on the Settings tab are filled automatically.
If you pay surcharges for DE or for all countries, you can enter these in the register Settings in the area of one-day trips and trips lasting several days in the fields Surcharge/Discount as fixed amount or in the fields Surcharge/Discount % in percent of the respective flat rate. Please check the date in the field Date of change - here the first January of the following year must appear first. You can also read in during the year. If there are changes for you in the current year, you can also set the change date manually to the desired start date of the upcoming change.
The following fields are automatically prefilled by reading the Excel. For customers who do not have their own house rules for the payment of meals per diems, these settings can now be adopted without further changes. The meaning of the individual fields and how they can be filled in can be found below.
Standard setup one-day trips:
Standard setup for trips lasting several days:
In the Field Import area you can decide whether you want to import the data for foreign countries, for Germany or for all countries. In this way you can define different conditions for Germany than for business trips abroad. In the Field ARV a check mark is required if your travel expenses are in accordance with the "Verordnung über die Reisekostenvergütung bei Auslandsdienstreisen" of the Federal Ministry of the Interior. In this way the corresponding records are read in instead of the "normal" foreign expenses. With the Option New countries visible, you can determine whether countries that are newly added during the import are set directly to visible. The Option Set 24 hour deviation is for the case that no times can be entered. This would set 0:00 o'clock in departure and arrival as a placeholder. If the check mark is set here, the flat rate for 24 hours will be calculated here as well. The fields Hours over one day and Hour level are preset from the entry and should not be changed. In the fields hours over... the program gets the hours from the file name of the import file. However, you can change the hours if other levels apply in your company. The system uses the entered hours to determine the statutory flat rate level, where \< 8 hours is defined as level 1, 8 - \< 14 hours as level 2, 14 - \< 24 hours as level 3, and 24 hours as level 4. The statutory flat rates are then assigned to these hours via this assignment. Note that the statutory levels 8 and 24 must appear, otherwise the flat rates or tax allowances would not be consistent. In the field Surcharge/Deduction you can enter a fixed surcharge or deduction that is assigned to this level. In the field Surcharge/Discount % you can also make these changes as a percentage.
Once you have made your entries, please press the OK button. Now the RK country table will be completed using the countries found in the file, the statutory flat rates will be is generated on the basis of the statutory per diem types defined in the document type and, depending on the default settings for Germany, foreign countries or both, the meals per diems are stored. If you do not want to import per diems and flat rates for all document types, you have the option of creating per diems and flat rates in the register RK-Belegart via the document type table to filter.
Read in without overnight inspection
Reading in the flat rates without overnight check corresponds completely to the standard settings. An overnight check is only necessary if you employ employees who have to work at night. These people usually do not have to pay for overnight stays. These are, for example, driving services, forwarding agents, emergency services, train drivers, etc.).
Reading in with overnight inspection
If your travel activities involve overnight activities without associated overnight accommodation such as transport services or emergency services, change the settings as follows: **With this setting Packages for trips lasting several days on the first and last day only calculated if an overnight stay is entered during the trip was.
When you have completed these settings, close the page with OK and the catering rates are displayed in the background in the records of the document types are read in.
Now all steps of the installation for Comsol Travel Expenses completed. You can now use the module in the test system with a Cronus G/L chart of accounts and game data. The settings for the calculation of travel expenses correspond at this point to the legal standard. To equip this with your individual data and house rules we offer individual workshops.