To continue using DocuTie after the trial period, complete a monthly or annual subscription. The DocuTie subscription fees are charged per user, with the number of DocuTie users at least equal to the active Dynamics 365 Business Central user. If you reduce the number of active Dynamics 365 Business Central users, you can also adjust your DocuTie subscription accordingly
Complete your DocuTie subscription
Before your DocuTie test phase ends, a Dynamics 365 Business Central SmartNotification reminds you to complete a subscription.
Follow the link displayed in the SmartNotification to open the wizard that will guide you through the setup of your subscription. The steps are the same as for adjusting your subscription.
Adjust your DocuTie subscription
A wizard assists you in managing your DocuTie subscription. To go to the wizard, go to the DocuTie Setup.
Start the wizard from the menu "Actions - Function - Subscription Wizard":
To adjust your DocuTie subscription follow the wizard:
(1) Choose "Update subscription" and confirm by clicking the button "Next":
(2) First choose the number of users for your subscription (1); the number of users is at least equal to the number of active Dynamics 365 Business Central users. Then decide whether your DocuTie subscription will be subject to a monthly or annual term (2). Confirm by clicking the button "Next":
(3) Enter the credit card information required for billing. The credit card indicated will be charged when billing. Confirm by clicking the button "Next":
(4) Complete the process on the last page with the button "Finish":
Cancel your DocuTie subscription
A wizard assists you in managing your DocuTie subscription. To go to the wizard, go to the DocuTie Setup.
Note that when you cancel the DocuTie subscription, you lose access to the management of your documents and your documents may not be permanently protected from loss.
Start the wizard from the menu "Actions - Function - Subscription Wizard":
To cancel your DocuTie subscription follow the wizard:
(1) Choose "Cancel subscription" and confirm by clicking the button "Next":
(2) Complete the process on the last page with the button "Finish":